297 research outputs found

    Characteristic of Soil Chemistry Under a Few Kind of Tree in Sub Watershed Petani of Deli Serdang District

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    This research to know about soil chemical characteristic under some vegetation on the sub Watershed of Petani in Buluh Awar Village Sibolangit Sub Dictricts and Deli Serdang Districts have been done on march to october 2015. The soil samples were analyzed at Laboratory of Soil Research, Bogor and Socfindo Laboratory, Medan, North Sumatera. This research used descriptive method with purposive sampling method. The data was analyzed by T test of 5% level. The results showed that the parameters of C-organic , total N, P-available, K-exchangeable, CEC have changes decrease soil chemical properties under the Sugar palm vegetation, durian and rubber are significant to the soil under forest, the highest decrease in chemical properties located on land under rubber with the average value of soil organic C 1.10% and the average value of exchange amounted to 0.166 K- cmol / kg. And on the Vegetation durian have the lowest decrease changes

    Kegagalan Yunani Memanfaatkan Bailout dalam Upaya Mengatasi Krisis Ekonomi Tahun 2008

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    Most of the Europen countries has been cautiously observing the contraction of the Greek system which is closely tied to their own economies. It has capture the attention of the world and continued to send warning signs to countries about system of the governance and public finance. Thus, the case of the Greek crisis has been an good example of how bad management of public finances, Regional Institutions, and domestic politics condition can lead to an economic catastrophe. This research is aimed to explain the failure of Greece on overcoming the debt crisis and also its failure using the bailout aid from European Union.This research theoretically has built with rasionalism perspectives on International Relations and supported by Complex Interdepence theories, and also the concept of Diplomatic Bailout in International Politcal-economy. Formulation of all arguments, facts, and theoretical framework on this research is guided by qualitative explanation methods. Scope of this research is Greeces Failure applying the bailout aid from European Union on overcoming its economic crisis.Researcher has formulated an answered-hypothesis which reveals the facts that Greece failure is caused by the complexity of the bailout itself. The complexity came from first, high level of financial interest of European Union to overcome its financial stability than the Greece financial interest itself. Second, the domestic politics condition in Greece and the third is the gap between intergovernmental aspects and national sovereignty within Euro-zone States after crisis.Keywords: European Crisis, Greece Debt Crisis, Greece, European Union, Bailout

    Proses Berpikir Logis Siswa Sekolah Dasar Bertipe Kecerdasan Logis Matematis Dalam Memecahkan Masalah Matematika

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    This research aims to describe logical thinking process of a logical-mathematical intelligence student. We employ qualitative method to disclose the subject\u27s learning process. Data are collected by interview and modified think aloud methods. The results show that subject has capability to find and organize problems and data correctly. Subject describes conditions that are needed to do the steps of problem solving strategy. The steps are done systematically until the end of problem solving process

    Study of Heavy Metals (Pb, Cu, and Zn) in Ark Cockle's (Anadara Inflata) Flesh and Shell in Selat Panjang Waters Kep. Meranti

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    Ark cockle (Anadara inflata) is one of bivalve species found in Selat PanjangWaters. It is used as indicator of heavy metals pollution because of filter feedercharacteristic and of sedentary life mode. The objective of this study was to determine theconcentration of lead (Pb), Cuprum (Cu) , and Zincum (Zn) in ark cockle's flesh and shellin Kronjo and Cituis. Heavy metals Pb, Cu, and Zn were analyzed by Atomic AbsorptionSpectrofotometer (AAS).The result showed that the consentration of Pb (3,81 μg/g) in ark cockle's shell washigher than that of ark cockle's flesh in contrary the consentration of Cu and Zn (6,03 μg/gand 7,54 μg/g) in ark cockle's flesh was higher than concentration of Cu and Zn in arkcockle's shell. Based on assisment of PWTI (Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake) for heavymetals (Pb, Cu and Zn) in ark cockle A. inflata in Selat Panjang Waters, Meranti Island thatark cockle A. inflata safe to consumtion

    Pengaruh Variasi Normalitas Naoh Pada Aktivasi Basafisik Zeolit Pelet Perekat Terhadap Prestasi Sepeda Motor Bensin 4-langkah

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    Natural zeolite is an alternative adsorbent. It needs firstly to be activated before using it as absorbent in order to get zeolite with high adsorption capacity. Previously, the use of pelletized zeolite activated by NaOH-physic and KOH-physic with varied normalities was only performed in a diesel engine to observe the engine performance.In this study there were two kinds of activation, that is chemical activation with NaOH activator variation on the normality of 0.25 N, 0.5 N, 0.75 N, and 1.0 N and physical activation with using a temperature of 220 °C for 2 hours. All are made in the form of adhesive zeolite pellets with a diameter of 10 mm and a thickness of 3 mm.From the test results and analysis showed that the use of chemically activated zeolite can improve the performance of 4-stroke petrol engine when compared without using zeolite. The best performance in this experiment obtained at the normality of 0,75 N. At road test, the pelletized zeolite can reduce the fuel consumption 23, 15 %, and 16,51 % at stationary test, and increase acceleration by 14,77 %

    Provision of POC Coconut Water and Tea Dregs Compost on Plant Growth and Production

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    The aims ofthis research is to determine the response of growth and production of sweet corn (Zea Mays Saccharata Strurt) to the application of liquid organic fertilizer coconut water and tea waste compost. The research cobducted in Trial Garden of Agriculture Faculty of Medan Area University, Kolam Street no 1 Medan Estate with height 22 m above sea level. Plat topografi and alluvial soil type was done since June up to September 2018. The research is using Random Designing Group Factorial with two factors, such as coconut water POC (K0 = Control (purn); K1 = coconut water POC 50 ml/L; K2 = coconut water POC 100 ml/L; K3 = coconut water POC 150 ml/L), and the giving factors of tea pulp compost (K0 = Control (purn); K1 = tea pulp compost 5 Ton/Ha; K2 = tea pulp compost 10 Ton/Ha; K3 = tea pulp compost 15 Ton/Ha). Repeatedly twice. Parameter which observed are the height of the plant, leaf amount, diameter of the stem, the sample each plot of plant production, plant production each plot. The result of this research is two show that the giving of coconut water POC is not really influencing to the treatment and giving of the tea pulp compost to the treatment and giving of the tea pulp compost is really influencing to the height of the plant, the sample of plant production each plot, plant production each plot but not really influence to the leaf amount and diameter of stem as well as combination among coconut water POC and tea pulp compost is not influencing to all treatments.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan produksi jagung manis (Zea Mays Saccharata Strurt) terhadap pemberian pupuk organik cair air kelapa dan kompos limbah teh. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Medan Area, Jalan Kolam no 1 Medan Estate. Tinggi 22 m dpl. Jenis tanah topografi plat dan alluvial dilakukan sejak bulan Juni sampai dengan September 2018. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok. Faktorial dengan dua faktor yaitu POC air kelapa (K0 = Kontrol (purn) ; K1 = POC air kelapa 50 ml/L ; K2 = POC air kelapa 100 ml/L ; K3 = POC air kelapa 150 ml/L) dan faktor pemberian kompos ampas teh (K0 = Kontrol (purn) ; K1 = Kompos ampas teh 5 Ton/Ha ; K2 = Kompos ampas teh 10 Ton/Ha ; K3 = Kompos ampas teh 15 Ton/Ha). Berulang kali dua kali. Parameter yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah daun, diameter batang, sampel tiap plot produksi tanaman, produksi tanaman tiap plot. Hasil penelitian ini ada dua yang menunjukkan bahwa pemberian POC air kelapa tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap perlakuan dan pemberian kompos ampas teh terhadap perlakuan dan pemberian kompos ampas teh sangat berpengaruh terhadap tinggi tanaman, sampel produksi tanaman per petak, produksi tanaman per petak namun tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap jumlah daun dan diameter batang serta kombinasi antara POC air kelapa dan kompos ampas teh tidak berpengaruh pada semua perlakuan


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    In the science of traffic engineering, there are many methods of measuring queues and delays. Some of these methods are queuing theory and shockwave analysis. From these two methods will be compared the most ideal characteristics to analyze the queue and delay. The Methods in this research used primary data collected from Megamas Area through by manual survey method to analyze shockwave and queuing theory. The results obtained the following conclusions: (1) The shockwave analysis at the exit gateway counter are formed by Greenshields’s basic chart and  present the queue length, total duration of the counter opening for the last vehicle entering the queue, and total duration from opening of the counter to the normal condition will increase linearly with increasing incidence duration, while the delay will increase exponentially. (2) In queue theory analysis, existing counters are still capable for serving the vehicles, this is obtained from the average value ρ 1. Based on analysis, the service level on all counters are strongly influenced by the speed and accuracy of service door operators, readiness of reserve money for returns, readiness of drivers who will be out of the area, such as preparing money to pay retribution and admission ticket. (3) The queue theory analysis is easier to use to analyze the queue at the counter than the shock wave analysis. Shockwave analysis is more macro when using traffic parameters such as volume, speed of density and capacity of the road wherein the change of traffic flow due to the obstacle becomes a reference to analyze the shock waves. In the case of the exit gateway of the vehicle counter Megamas, the length of the road for queuing is very limited, and if the number of vehicle queue is too long until the intersection between segment A and segment B then speed in both segments will be affected due to queue. Eventually, queuing theory in analyzing the queue at vehicle counter in Megamas area is more effective and efficient to use. Keywords : shockwave, queue theory, queue lengt

    Atmospheric pressure plasma analysis by modulated molecular beam mass spectrometry

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    Fractional no. d. measurements for a radiofrequency plasma needle operating at atm. pressure were obtained using a mol. beam mass spectrometer (MBMS) system designed for diagnostics of atm. plasmas. The MBMS system comprises three differentially pumped stages and a mass/energy analyzer and includes an automated beam-to-background measurement facility as a software-controlled chopper mechanism. The automation of the beam modulation allows the neutral components in the plasma to be rapidly and accurately measured using the mass spectrometer by threshold ionization techniques. Data are reported for plasma generated by a needle plasma source operated using a He/air mixt. In particular, data for the conversion of atm. O and N into nitric oxide are discussed with ref. to its significance for medical applications such as disinfecting wounds and dental cavities and for microsurgery. [on SciFinder (R)